James Hawkins wrote:
After my last patch that fixed a stack-trasher was committed, the Kazaa Lite configuration wizard, KLConfigWizard.exe, can successfuly run to completion, but the user better not press the 'Back' button whilst running through the wizard, because he won't see anything anymore. So
As you're dealing with a wizard/propsheet control, to check whether the problem is in the code for that control, or a problem with the painting code, try substituting comctl32.dll from a Windows 2000 machine, and see if the error goes away. You should notice some differences between the way the native comctl32.dll and Wine's implementation draw things...
If they error stays, then you're dealing with a painting bug, which is probably hard to solve.
If the error disappears, then you're dealing with a bug in Wine's comctl32.dll. You can compare the +message traces with the native dll and the builtin one, and see if you can spot the difference. I usually run the trace until I see the first instance of the error then press ^C, then repeat for the working case, then compare the two logs in two xterms the same size.