Hi all,
Dr. Hardware crashes like that: Backtrace: 0 0x0297:0x01c0 1 0x00f7:0x0000 2 WINPROC_CallWndProc16+0x211(proc=0x2970186, hwnd=0xa4, msg=WM_COPYDATA, wParam=0xab, lParam=0x403cbc48) 3 WINPROC_CallProc32WTo16+0x99(...., , wParam=0x200ab, ...) 4 CallWindowProcW+0x6f(func=0x4ce0458, hwnd=0x400a4, msg=WM_COPYDATA,wParam=0x200ab, lParam=0x403cbc48) 5 call_window_proc(...) 6 MSG_peek_message+0x409(msg=0x410b2a74, hwnd=0x0, first=0x0, last=0xffffffff, flags=1) 7 PeekMessageW+0x7c(msg_out=0x410b2b78, hwnd=0x0, first=0x0, last=0x0) 8 GetMessageW(msg=0x410b2b78, hwnd=0x0, first=0x0, last=0x0) 9 GetMessage32_16(msg16=0x403c9698, hwnd16=0, first=0, last=0, wHaveParamHigh=0) 10 GetMessage16(msg=0x403c9698, hwnd=0, first=0, last=0) 11 __wine_user_exe_CallFrom16_p_word_pwww....
0x0297:0x01c0: lesw 0x104a,%bx
Wine-dbg>x/2w 0x2af:0x104a 0x02a:0x104a: bc48 403c (sound familiar ?)
To me it's obvious what's happening. Now the obvious question is: how to fix this problem ? (i.e.: where is some kind of translation missing ?)