Dan, It was already discussed when Dustin was trying to handle the autorun.inf files. If you want to do this, use cygstart. Could be funny if we merge it.
BTW, with this implementation, start notepad works, and start wordpad will probably work if you have the right registry entry (attached), but start foo.txt probably won't... I'll try it out, and maybe improve ShellExecute if needed.
Also, start takes a number of switches; I'll try to implement them soon.
- Dan
-- Dan Kegel http://www.kegel.com http://counter.li.org/cgi-bin/runscript/display-person.cgi?user=78045
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\WORDPAD.EXE] @="C:\Progra~1\Access~1\WORDPAD2.EXE"
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