I found why we have a 'not found', the problem is that wcmd isn't installed by default in c:\windows\system32, it installed as "cmd". should we add it to wineinstall or what ?
for the false COMSPEC problem, I found it too. it is in files/directory.c:107/180. it assigns wcmd as interpreter.
to give a summary: wineinstall installs cmd.exe in windows/system32. COMSPEC is set to search wcmd.exe => we need to add it in wineinstall. COMSPEC is set find it in windows/system => we should change it in files/directory.c to point to windows/system32 instead.
Comments ?
To parse inside wcmd
c> wcmd /c cygwin.bat
we need to have a look at wcmd itself. Probably it doesn't know itself :-)
===== Sylvain Petreolle spetreolle@users.sourceforge.net Fight against Spam ! http://www.euro.cauce.org/en/index.html ICQ #170597259
"Don't think you are. Know you are." Morpheus in Matrix, chapter 15.
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