I would appreciate any hints which could make things run more smoothly! Basically 2 ways are left to go:
- Fix the wine sheduler to obey priorities
- Fix the thread (locking?) issues
Thanks a lot for any information!
I wouldn't go for fixing the thread... Wine internals need to know when a thread is started, so using clone "in its back" will inevitabely lead to what you've seen => crashes around (except if the thread running clone doesn't do any Win32 calls, which I doubt if you're porting your app)
so, 1/ may be a better approach (which actually isn't implemented). And it should use information from the Win32 thread API.
Thanks a lot for your reply. I've added some Enter/LeaveCriticalSections calls around the handler and it seems to make things much better (but still far from beeing perfect).
What prevents wine from distributing timeslices correctly? Even if i renice/boost linux kernel sheduler of the whole wine process(es) things go wrong a lot. The processing thread gets way to small amount of attention.
Do you have some hints on how to boost the processing thread a bit? I'm perfectly happy with an (even ugly) hack. I've tried to identify the wine sheduler, but was unsuccesful :( Maybe you can point me in to right direction (file, line #)?
Thanks a lot!
Regards, Florian