Eric, there is a mess in winhelp and winhlp32 in "Context" and "Topic" concept: what winhelp calls "topic", winhlp32 calls "context", and what winhelp calls "Context" winhlp32 calls "Topic without CNT section". So, the buttons are messed too.
I suspect there are other "features".
We couldn't implement winhlp32 and winhelp in one box.
I suggest to at least get rid of old winhelp interface in favor of winhlp32, and create symlink winhelp->winhlp32 in windows directory. Does it save the day?
IMO, we don't need two apps but we could make most apps believe both winhelp & winhlp32 are present and put all effort into a single application we should also reimplement winhelp based on richedit for the rendering A+
richedit sound very good - select/copy very easy! (but riched32 is not complete yet)
-- Kirill K. Smirnov