A few problems.
First off, the web server and smtp server for winehq.org are all on the same box. WineHQ just gets hammered with spam some days. All that spam load takes I/O away from mysql. I've updated the mail daemon to go into a queue only mode when the load average gets to high.
Secondly, for those who admin the appdb. Some pages send out email. The default settings for PHP when sending mail are very slow. I changed a setting in PHP to speed that up.
On Fri, 2007-02-16 at 15:28 -0500, Bryan Haskins wrote:
Out of complete curiosity, what kind of problem caused only some people to slow down, while me, on dial-up sped right along? Lol.
On 2/16/07, Jeremy Newman jnewman@codeweavers.com wrote: I made some tweaks to the server on Wednesday. Hopefully everything is running fine now.