For the past two years, I've helped UCLA's cs130 by pointing them at an area of Wine that needs improvement and helping them get patches submitted. For Winter 2007, I'm considering having them focus on msxml3.
So I'm starting to look at bugzilla (see my previous message) and dig up demo apps and articles that might help us understand where wine's msxml needs to go. Man, oh, man are there a lot of pages about msxml out there. If anyone has tips on sore spots with Wine's msxml, please let me know.
A few random notes:
MSDN on msxml:
I see the spec file for msxml3 has a bunch of stubbed ordinals. Anyone know what they are?
Can Wine handle the "msxml3 jumpstart" demo app from year 2000 yet?
Or the "msxsl.exe" wrapper app?
"Programming The SAX2 3.0 Using MSXML" (examples in vb6)
"MSXML, It's Not Just for VB Programmers Anymore" (examples in perl)
"Python & XML"
Here's a page that seems to show how to use msxsl and explains differences between msxml3 and msxml4:
msxml3 examples:
"A C++ Template Wrapper for the XML SAX API"
etc. etc. - Dan