On Wed, Feb 08, 2017 at 11:12:08AM -0700, Erich E. Hoover wrote:
On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 11:00 AM, André Hentschel nerv@dawncrow.de wrote:
... The website says 6500$ or sponsored by another org: https://wiki.gnome.org/Outreachy/Admin/InfoForOrgs#Action
Clearly I should have read further ;) I don't know how our benevolent funding overlords feel about this, but it seems like a good idea to me. We did spend a lot of time at WineConf trying to figure out ways to get more people to participate, maybe this project can help.
If the 6500 US$ figure is the minimum amount of money, then I would say no.
While I am not sure about our current balance, this amount would definitely be a huge chunk of our funds. These can be used better, e.g. the usual travel support and conference sponsoring.
If we can assist with public statements or some program or help offers that might be the better approach.
Ciao, Marcus