On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 1:18 AM, Ben Klein shacklein@gmail.com wrote:
2009/5/1 Cissyvonwinckelmann cissyvonwinckelmann@planet.nl:
hartelijk dank Benm ja ik moet snel een andere pc hebben, want dit is een hele ouwe dan krijg je de moeilijkheden, groetjes cissy
I have to use Google Language Tools to translate your text, so I apologise if I misunderstand you.
You did indeed misunderstand him. I'll translate his messages:
----- Hi, Is there a possibility to still download Messenger 7.0? You see, I am still running Windows ME. Waiting for your answer, Cheers, cissy -----
And his next email:
----- Thank you very much, Ben. Yeah, I must get another PC soon, because this is an old one and that causes problems. Cheers, cissy. -----
So I'm pretty sure he's on the wrong mailing list.