Did you also experience that it says "Unable to set configuration key" for anything you'd try to change?
Ah, well basically you need to change the header to point to a winecfg specific registry branch. The way config in wine works is like this: ...<SNAP>
Okay I'll give it a try.
I was just thinking: from the wine documentation I figured that every global setting could be overwritten with an application specific setting, right? This is said - kinda informally - in http://www.winehq.org/site/docs/wine-user/config-file, in the table in the section "What does it contain".
But from what I see in your program, I would say that that wouldn't work currently with your lay-out, since Applications is just done on 1 tab sheet. Am I missing something? If not, did you do this on purpose, for example because you would prefer user friendliness above completeness?
Would it make sence to alter the program in such a way, that first you choose for what part you want to change something (either global or a specific application) and then, on a second frame/form/window (I don't know which word to use in this context), really do the changes, kinda like the Network setup works in Win95?
I mean: there you first select the protocol you want to change, and then a new window opens in which you do the settings themselves... Would that be a good idea?
Grtz, Robert