Francois Gouget wrote:
While I prefer the autorun approach because it has fewer dependencies on the Windows side and thus allows me to test in as clean a Windows as desired, your approach could be pretty useful for testing on a real Windows machine. Maybe if you post your script with some instructions it will inspire some people to set up automated testing on their real Windows machines. I'm sure it would make the Direct3D guys happy (if the testers have Nvidia ;-) ).
I forgot... I did a C hack. cc -o runstuff.exe runstuff
Then copied runstuff.exe to c:\win95\Start-Menu\Program\Autostart
#include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h>
int main () { chdir ("/tmp"); unlink ("winetest-latest.exe"); system ("wget");
system ("./winetest-latest.exe -q -c -t JakobAuto");
system ("shutdown -h now");
return 0; }
About virtual machines starting in a clean state, nothing stops anyone from booting linux in between and "dd if=windows_part.bin of=/dev/hdb1" and then reboot into Windows.
This way you could get consistent Windows regression testing on real hardware.
regards, Jakob