On Di, 2008-04-08 at 15:39 +0400, Konstantin Kondratyuk wrote:
- if (!GetProfileStringW(windowsW, deviceW, emptyStringW, buffer,
- if(!RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, user_default_reg_key, &hKey)
&& !RegQueryValueExW(hKey, keyname, NULL, &type,
(LPBYTE)buffer, &bufsize))
- {
TRACE("Get value from registry\n");
RegCloseKey( hKey );
- }
win3.x and win9.x use only "win.ini". We need to fix bug #4096, before we can switch to the Registry.
- else if (!GetProfileStringW(windowsW, deviceW, emptyStringW,
buffer, len))
There is no need for a Fallback, when bug #4096 is fixed.