I tested this a little bit sooner than expected, thanks to a regression in Starcraft and Age of Empires 2. (Looks like bugs 35950 and 35655).
The good news is that your patches fix the regressions in those games.
Am 2014-04-21 17:49, schrieb Ken Thomases:
- Full-screen games are actually full-screen, appearing in front
of other apps, docks, panels, menus, taskbars, etc.
Kde 4.11.5 here. The fullscreen apps indeed appear fullscreen. But once Starcraft was shifted down and only showing the top ~50 pixels at the bottom of the screen.
Inside a virtual desktop Age of Empires 2 seemed to snap into place after a resolution change. It first rendered at the bottom of the screen and after ~0.5 seconds the rendering was correct.
- But you can switch to another app as well/easily as you could
without these patches. Full-screen games don't take over your whole display such that you can't escape without drastic measures.
Alt-Tab does not work. The game loses focus and stops redrawing, but my other apps don't show up. Switching to a different virtual desktop works. I don't know if this worked in the past with those two games, probably not. I'll retest with plain Wine, as far as the regressions allow.
- After switching away, you can switch back successfully.
I have to select the Wine window. If I select the game window, Wine's rendering window does not take over.
- Mouse input works as expected. In particular, clicks are not
offset from where the cursor appears to be, especially after switching resolutions or between windowed and full-screen modes.
No issues noticed there, but both games draw their own mouse cursor.
I've also tested Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War, it has the same focus loss / regain behavior as the ddraw games.