--- Hiji hijinio@yahoo.com wrote:
--- Lars Segerlund lars.segerlund@comsys.se
What is the status of wines USB support ? Is there anything done yet or am I on my own
Can someone also giva a hint on the
complexity of managing a USB implementation for wine ? I am rather good at
device drivers and such. / regards, Lars Segerlund.
There's not much I can say in the way of development, but as a user, getting USB support (beyond
supported in the kernel) would be a HUGE leap of improvement for Wine. I think others have said before that there are a lot of apps out there that will
on Wine, but are useless because they depend on their hardware counterpart. (In the music world, Guitarport comes to mind.)
I have proposed several possible solutions for
USB under Linux. In fact, I have given 4 possible ways of doing it, one of which I have hacked up (and gotten to work, at least partially).
If you're interested in the details, let me know, and I'll email you (or look at the "Wine device
proposal" email in the Wine archives in the past month or so). Phew, I thought I'd type a short reply! Interested in working on this? I can't do it all alone. Damjan
There's not much I can do other then try to encourage you and Lars to work together (as I'm not a C developer). Damjan, it sounds like you have already covered a lot of the groundwork through your research and understanding of the USB infrastructure (from both the Windows, Linux and Wine worlds). Lars, I see you have both the motivation and experience with Linux device drivers to work on Wine USB.
To me, it sounds like a perfect match for you two to pair up and work on implementing additional USB functionality.
I suppose the last piece missing is to consult the expert on the wineserver (as far as USB is concerned) to see if any changes would truely need to be made there. Who would that be?
I think it might be Alexander, and I think the general suggestion was "avoid changes to the wineserver". Anyone else know?
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