Additionally, you might want to read this part of the LICENSE file again:
"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details."
Of course I'm familiar with that. I'm not saying anything at all about Wine's warranty. What I am talking about is about the general sense of responsibility. Money or not. Fixing what you broke is the right thing to do -- regardless of the disclaimer.
And yet, presenting that disclaimer almost defeats the argument to pay for bug fixing; again, I could theoretically pay for development to fix a bug which could end up broken again in 3 months.
Nobody magically made it so that you *have* to upgrade.
Magic? No. Progress? Yes, I have to because of this. What do I mean? I have been using wine-20041201 until I upgraded to opensuse 10.0; the compile won't succeed now. Otherwise, I would have stuck with that old version.
Now, take a different look on things and try to recall how often people tell users, "Why are you on such an old version of Wine? You should be using a newer version."
If you made it work before, then it's possible to make it work again, isn't it? If you forgot what combination of software worked, is that really my problem?
I think you're steering far away from the point I was making about responsibility. ;) Far FAAAR away. I don't screw around with DLL overrides (perhaps just for experimenting), and I don't even use wine-tools. If something breaks, it's definately not because I can't remember a combination of hacks I did - simply because, I didn't do this.
Now if somebody changes something in an attempt to improve things, and you want their improvements, and you want your old applications to work, then you want something from them, don't you?
In the context of this example and referring to what I'm getting at, you get one improvement, but in return, something else gets broken. That just doesn't seem right. It's like the little kid who makes breakfast for mom & dad, but in the process, makes a mess of the kitchen (that mom & dad end up having to clean up anyways).
And really, in the grand scheme of things, I'm not writing all of this because of what *I* want for myself. I'm writing this because I really DO care about Wine, I'm a big supporter of it, and I want it to succeed ... I'm hoping that this will cause some light bulbs to turn on and bring some realizations to light.
You guys are probably sitting on the most valuable API of this era, and it drives ABSOLUTELY nutz that many people here don't even realize this. And when people pop out these disclaimers as an excuse for not fixing things, it adds salt to the wounds. If I could get in there to code, I would do so, but I can't. And, all I can do from this corner of the ring is cheer on Wine and bring to the table non-technical issues which clearly get in the way of its progression.
Peace & Love for Wine!! :) Hiji
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