Hi All,
I've recently begun working at VCA technology on an IP security camera system. I'm mostly doing embedded linux stuff, but bhe code I'm working with uses an ActiveX control to show the video and the overlaid annotations.
I've doing quite a lot of experimentation trying to get the page work correctly on Wine. So far the results have been rather disappointing:
wine git-head: wine builtin iexplore - page loads blank, though wireshark shows that html+js has been received. Various ole related fixmes. IE7 & IE8 installed to seperate prefixes - IIRC page fails to load
wine 1.4 wine builtin iexplore - page loads, but activex control fails to display.
Does anyone have any suggestions for how I can better investigate these issues? And what is the status of ActiveX in wine - is it likely to work at all?
Thanks Joel