On 10/18/10 8:10 AM, Joris Huizer wrote:
In the proposed patch "[PATCH 2/2] ntdll: Check for case-insensitive volumes.", I found this piece:
- /* Add a new entry */
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(fs_cache)/sizeof(fs_cache[0]); i++)
if (fs_cache[i].dev == 0)
/* This entry is empty, use it */
fs_cache[i].dev = dev;
fs_cache[i].fsid = fsid;
fs_cache[i].case_sensitive = case_sensitive;
Maybe I'm missing something, but shouldn't you return from the function when finding a cache entry to fill? This seems to be filling every empty cache entry?
Ah, you're right. I'll fix this in try 4.