Hello Andre,
Am 14.10.2015 um 17:26 schrieb André Hentschel:
Cool, thx for doing this! I was reading through your slides and figured that it sounds like the development version gets replaced by staging, but that's not true. "Entwicklerversion erschien alle zwei Wochen – jetzt wine-staging" The development version will still be released biweekly and staging shortly after
yes, I forgot to correct this. Sebastian informed me on IRC yesterday what the time-based releases are about. Thanks for pointing this out.
Just let me get this right so that I don't give out false information: - Development version (1.7.x) comes out every two weeks. - Patches are staged, at least I have seen that you have a new field in Bugzilla - 1.8 will be a time-based release with code freeze in fall
I have attached updated slides. The brand name "CrossOver" was also not spelt correctly before.