Gerald Pfeifer writes:
The GNU Coding Conventions (make distclean is a GNU invention as far as I know) says the following:
distclean: Delete all files in the current directory (or created by this makefile) that are created by configuring or building the program. If you have unpacked the source and built the program without creating any other files, `make distclean` should leave only the files that were in the distribution.
Any chance of you reconsidering this?
Well, following the GNU conventions would mean removing a lot of things from the existing make distclean, and I could be persuaded to do that.
Adding *.i and *.s would be moving in the wrong direction, they are not generated by building Wine, except if you add special options; but if you allow this then there is no limit to the amount of things that we could potentially add.
If you really want to remove everything except tracked files you can always use git-clean -x (of course you'd need to switch to git first ;-)