On Sun, 26 Jul 2009 19:47:05 +0200 André Hentschel nerv@dawncrow.de wrote:
Austin English schrieb:
2009/7/26 Frédéric Delanoy frederic.delanoy@gmail.com:
Over and over, I see help requests on wine-users with responses like "installed latest wine", "read FAQ section x.y", ...
Wouldn't it be useful to send a regular reminder (like every month, and on subscription)? This would contain:
- how to upgrade to latest version
- link to FAQ
- link to bugzilla + how to look for dups before creating new bugs
<everything useful>
This would avoid countless identical responses to common problems, and help reduce traffic on wine-users, hence concentrating on "difficult" problems.
Keep in mind that most of the traffic now is on the forums (traffic exploded after adding it). There's already a sticky saying to read the FAQ...we could add a second sticky with a few basic questions/answers, but I'm not sure how much good it would do.
if a user is too lazy to update or to read the FAQ, i think a reminder wouldnt help.
I agree. Those repetitive questions mainly come from users who join the list/forum and immediately post their problem/question without ever bothering to read anything.
However, looking at the stickies on the forum, I think there should be a more direct one to the FAQ. Right now, to get to the FAQ from the forum, users have to click on the "Sticky: Welcome to the WineHQ Forums (New User Guide)" thread, then click on "Read the Guide" in the only post in that thread, which will take them to the Forum Guidelines wiki page, where they must then click on the FAQ link to get to the actual FAQ. That's an awful lot of levels to have to go through.
A sticky labeled something like "FAQ--read before posting" with a direct link to the FAQ might help.