I’m doing a test for the explorer.exe. The first part tests if the explorer Windows open. For that I´m using the function CreateProcessA(), the problem is that I can’t close the explorer that I have created.
This is what I have try and it haven’t worked. Any idea of how could I do it?
testExplorer = CreateProcessA(NULL, cmd, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi); if (testExplorer != NULL) {
/*WaitForSingleObject(testExplorer, 3000); */
/* CloseHandle(testExplorer); */
/* CloseHandle(pi.hThread); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); */
/* GetExitCodeProcess(testExplorer,lpExitCode); ExitProcess(lpExitCode); */
/* GetExitCodeThread(testExplorer,lpExitCode); TerminateProcess(testExplorer,lpExitCode); */ trace("\n \n Error: %u \n \n", GetLastError());
return TRUE; }