On Sat, 4 Oct 2003, Dimitrie O. Paun wrote:
On October 3, 2003 10:56 pm, Pavel Roskin wrote:
Everything if fine. I put the latest mkwine here http://www.red-bean.com/~proski/wine/
Very nice indeed -- I really hope that we can eventually get our Makefiles in a state where this script is not needed anymore. BTW, since you've studied a bit the problem, what are we missing?
Sorry if it's a duplicate, I'm not sure if my previous e-mail was sent.
We need to be able to disable WINE_ERR like other debug macros.
It would be nice to have uuid.dll instead of libwine_uuid.a. winefile should link against -luuid.
Not related to makefile problems - it would be nice to join the BINRES comment and the resource itself, e.g.
IDB_TOOLBAR BITMAP DISCARDABLE toolbar.bmp /* BINRES toolbar.bmp { '42 4D BE ..
It would make changes to the resource files less intrusive.