Francois Gouget wrote:
But I'm not behind a modem. I'm behind a DSL so the above really doesn't matter much.
Ah, but you don't have a static IP address, I bet. It's much easier to track back spam to a static IP address, so those addresses are much safer from being spam sources. It's those dynamic IP addresses that let spammers hide.
It also seems to me that this leads to a system where dialup users are second rate internet citizens and have fewer rights than first rate citizens. So in this future if you're not an accredited corporation you would not have the right to connect to any computer but your ISP's servers which will then relay your traffic... for a fee, if they see fit...
Well, sorry, but if you want to get rid of spam, we need to add some primitive tracability features to the email system, and requiring a static IP is part of that.
ISPs have a lot of more important things to educate their users about. They could start with how to secure one's computer (or how to do masquerading ;-).
That's for darn sure.
- Dan