I've finally pinned down a problem (with help from Lucho) to do with blending and its back to the same old problem that by the time D3D8 gets initialized, the windows has already been created, but the properties of the visual are insufficient to handle the requirements of D3D.
In my case for example by default, the visual used for my windows has double buffering, but no alpha channel. X11DRV process attach has some code which allows control over the visual created, but this is before we know what is going to be required, and this only gets called if DesktopDoubleBuffer is set to Y.
In my case, I need an alpha channel on the back buffer. By default, I havent got one. I can add code into the X11DRV_setup_opengl_visual to ask for an 8 bit alpha and everything works perfectly.
1. Should I add a new config option (something like RequireAlphaChannel) - FWIW I hate this idea 2. Is it ever going to be possible to replace a wine Xwindows visual? What is involved in doing this? This is the 'perfect' solution. 3. Can I default double buffering and alpha on regardless and remove the doublebuffering property. How does this affect non game apps?
We need to resolve this to ever support games properly without lots of config options