Francois Gouget wrote:
On Thu, 8 Sep 2005, Ivan Leo Puoti wrote:
What is a 'patch management system'?
If it's something Alexandre uses to apply patches, then his requirement that it be usable from his desktop environement (Emacs) precludes a web-based system.
So what about something more like a patch tracking system, not for Alexandre's use but for everyone to see on the web?
We don't need that, it's not much better than what we've got and isn't worth the effort, what is needed is something that Alexandre can use. New patches are "New", committed patched are "committed" and rejected patches are marked as "rejected, reason:" so people can know what is and isn't committed and why as soon as Alexandre makes that decision. Cool additional features could including optionally sending an email with updates about the patch status to the author. So this would require some sort of back end database, something that Alexandre can use (And it's crazy that Emacs doesn't have web support, that means Alexandre can't use the web), and a web based interface for patch submitters. Maybe Jeremy could tell us what the precise idea was before it was dropped from Newman's todo list.