Am 22.11.2016 um 14:31 schrieb Francois Gouget
On Tue, 22 Nov 2016, Matteo Bruni wrote: [...]
FWIW, for the AMD box all those test failures but one in d3d9:visual are window messages-related and probably affected by the WM.
Do you want to give a try to fvwm2 and see what happens? :D
Sure. I installed fvwm 1:2.6.5.ds-3 and that should now be used by default. Note that if you access the winetest account through the KVM things are now really bare. But you can access the fvwm menu through a left click and from there start an xterm.
Fwiw, I didn’t forget that I said I’d look into those :-) . But first I need bring my Non-Nvidia box back to life, which will take a while. On The Nvidia laptop I have mysterious mode setting problems with xfce, and I think they’re related to our fallback to randr 1.1.
The tests pass for me on KDE. Back when I wrote them they were reliable on fvwm2 when the focus behavior was set to click to focus. The default focus follows mouse works or fails depending on which windows you have in the top left corner of the screen. An early device.c test in d3d8/9 sets the mouse to 50/50, so the mouse position is somewhat deterministic unless you touch it while the test is running.