On Di, 2006-09-12 at 08:51 +0200, Paul Vriens wrote:
the latest run (with report) on the Coverity site seems to be from July 21st.
Does anybody know more about the why?
What comes in my mind, that they offered there Service to Wine to use it as an Advertisement like: "Coverity detected >800 Errors in Wine and all where fixed in less than 2 Month"
We started to fix them, but the fixing-Rate went down near to Zero very fast. To remember, the Announcement from Ben Chelf was on 07. April 2006: http://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-devel/2006-April/046354.html
The first Day, we fixed 31 Defects ( http://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-devel/2006-April/046433.html ), but the total Results are not so good:
We marked 74 Defects as RESOLVED, 78 Entries are Verified and 344 are still Uninspected or Pending. (Overview at http://scan.coverity.com )
You must also think, that every Run is visible with annotated source. This cost them a lot of GB HD-Space, that is always online for us.
I've tried to contact Coverity for the last month and my last email (where I've requested a read-receipt, shame on me) was deleted without being read.
IMHO, they did not see enough benefit for there investigation in Wine. Simple: We do not pay, they stopped....
BUG-Hunting is not a fun thing, but Alexandre can open bug-hunting Weeks, similar to the feature-freeze before wine-0.9.
This can target the Bugs found by Coverity and Smatch with Priority.
Seems to be a nice theme for Wineconf (Sorry, I'm not there).