On Wed, 13 Feb 2013 19:18:42 +0100 Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle@t-systems.com wrote:
Johannes Kroll wrote:
It is in the log line that you deleted.
No, I don't have wineOSS. Does it require a proper OSSv4?
Currently, yes. You'd have to try out wine-1.3.24 or older.
I'll try and see how to use virtual MIDI devices to dump data without using a serial port.
Anyway, I'll start writing a patch that decomposes LongMsg into snippets, although I don't know how to handle the three 00 00 00 bytes.
I don't understand what you mean by "decompose LongMsg into snippets".
Is it possible that either A) the app expects the API code to scan the buffer for a trailing 0xf7 end marker and send only the bytes up to that marker; or B) that the mysterious "dwBytesRecorded" should really contain the bytes to be sent, and that it should be set by a function calling LongMsg (i. e. somewhere else in Wine)?