Francois Gouget wrote:
On Tue, 14 Sep 2004, Robert Reif wrote: [...]
OK. Here is the beginnings of a joystick test. I want to use c_dfDIJoystick2 which is defined as extern in dinput.h and exists in but is not exported. It's also not exported in windows dinput.dll but it is in dinput.lib.
Are you really sure it is not exported by dinput.dll? The usual tools list all the exported *functions* but I'm not sure they list exported variables. You seem to think that dinput.lib is a static library which is very doubtful.
c_dfDIJoystick2 is a const data structure defined by microsoft and is used in dinput code to initialize the joystick data format.
I did a strings on dinput.dll and dinput.lib. It's not in in the dll but it is in the lib. What is dinput.lib? It is not a dll and winedump doesn't recognize it but running nm on it reports that it contains dinput.dll stuff.
Download the DirectX SDK from Microsoft and look at the files in the lib directory.