On Thu, Apr 21, 2005 at 06:24:03AM -0500, David D. Hagood wrote:
IF this happens when using SSH, something to check is what the actual settings of DISPLAY are:
Normally under SSH, DISPLAY will be set to something like:
and SSH will forward TCP port 6010 on the remote machine to the local machine's X server on port 6000.
It *could* be that Wine is looking at DISPLAY, seeing "localhost" and saying "AHA! This is localhost - I can use shared memory" - which it cannot.
To test this hypothesis, try setting the DISPLAY environment variable to point directly to the computer you are using as the display (and making sure that machine is set to allow the remote machine to use the display), and see if the problem continues.
If it does, then my hypothesis is wrong. If it starts working, then that would tend to confirm my hypothesis that Wine is being confused by the "localhost" in the DISPLAY variable.
I have a dual head configurion and I tend to run fullscreen apps with a DISPLAY env variable so that I can read the wine output. I recently started getting this error, so it would appear to happen whenever the DISPLAY env variable is set, no matter if it's remote or not. I had put it down to some xlibs that I upgraded at the same time the error started happening. I haven't tried rolling back all the way to the March release, but I did roll back to 14th CVS, and that doesn't work. I had thought that the 14th had worked for me before the library upgrade, but I am probably mistaken.