Chris Morgan wrote:
We just added testing results that include the same gold,silver,bronze, garbage rating and the wine version the user tested with.
Ooh. Neato. Big fan. I'll be honest and say I'm not a big fan of the user interface though. I think there's too much stuff hidden in sub webpages (whatever) which makes entering data cumbersome and error-prone.
I think this does most of what you are looking for
Seems it does, thanks! :-)
although it won't replace or affect the 'maintainer rating' on the page that displays the version.
I'm wondering why not *scratches*.
Right now the rating you see is the one decided by the maintainer of the application and based on their judgement. Now that we have the testing results there is some question of how to reflect these results to users. Certainly if an application has a handful of gold ratings and no maintainer rating it should probably be listed as gold. Do we remove the maintainer rating all together? Add yet another field? Ideas? Personally I'm inclined to remove the maintainer rating
Agreed, nuke it from the web interface and convert the current maintainer ratings to "application test data".
have the application rating be based on some computation based on testing results but there is a question of whether those are reliable enough and whether we want the maintainer to be able to override for some reason.
Computation? Quah? Why not just show the most up-to-date rating?
That's what is going to be most precise and what most folks want anyway. (A notice if the rating doesn't match the most recently released Wine might be nice.)