On Monday 28 November 2005 19:46, Daniel Remenak wrote:
On 11/27/05, Raphael fenix@club-internet.fr wrote:
since visual studio .net (2002,3,5) MS provides newer versions of msvcrt: - msvcr70.dll
- msvcr71.dll
- msvcr80.dll
... (and same equivalents for msvcp*.dll)
how we will handle that on wine:
- creating new dll forlders and using forwards to current msvcrt.dll
- creating only new .spec files on msvcrt folder
Regards, Raphael
See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vclib/html /_crt_c_run.2d.time_libraries.asp Particularly the section "What is the difference between msvcrt.dll and msvcr71.dll?"
<snip>. Windows does not and will not distribute them, and neither should wine.
I know that but many application expect they are already there (and they are usually installed with microsoft patches/packages/...)
--Daniel Remenak
Regards, Raphael