On Wednesday 02 October 2002 09:55 am, Ove Kaaven wrote:
On Wed, 2 Oct 2002, Greg Turner wrote:
On Wednesday 02 October 2002 08:49 am, Jrgen Schmied wrote:
Implementations of these and much more can be found in this patch submission, which was apparently never applied: http://www.winehq.com/hypermail/wine-patches/2002/06/0103.html
Alexandre did not like the rpc-stuff in the server. I did start implementing the NT-LPC functions but I have not so much time at the moment so it will take a while. Nevertheless, large parts of the patch could be applied.
are we allowed to merge in stuff from Rewind/Transgaming? I thought no?
The license of ReWind is X11, which means that it can be freely merged from (although its copyright is now such that if someone do so without permission from its authors, the ReWind project must be credited in the Wine tree's license, which might have been a discouraging factor if any original work were to happen in there). But this patch was not extracted from ReWind, it was submitted to ReWind by me (not applied there either though), then adapted to Wine by Juergen, and we both think it's OK to put it into Wine.
the above patch lacks UuidFromString, which my patch provides (I "need" this).
No it doesn't, it has both UuidFromStringA and UuidFromStringW, take another look. (They're even used by RpcBindingFromStringBindingA/W.)
Right you are.
So, what says our fearless leader? It seems unfortunate for all of this hard work to go to waste. Also, it's not like these are undocumented or rarely-used API's, wine would probably benefit from these significantly.
Fun stuff: I have recently had some smashing successes with wine. Word 2002, and even (with a native comctl32/commctrl; looks like some undocumented wierdness going on with status bar in there...) Frontpage 2002 seem to work (at a glance, with my recently submitted patch). I did have to do some serious hand-holding to bootstrap the installer. But once it gets going it more-or-less "just works." Awesome.
Even more fun: I just tried the 1964 Nintendo 64 emulator under wine. It runs surprisingly well. It's open source so it might be a good target for more experimentation... I used v. 0.84.