Alexander Nicolaysen Sørnes wrote:
It's important to note that the script would also have warned maintainers that there are queued items for the apps they maintain.
Yup, but queued data is also listed down the left of the page, and an email is sent to the maintainer for every test result, bug link, screenshot and comment added to the app (as well as monitor and other stuff, but that's another issue...)
We can make it so only the first 25 threads are shown by default, then have a 'show all comments' link. This should make it easier for users, maintainers and admins alike. Is 25 a good limit? Please post your suggestions.
It doesn't really matter how many comments are shown, most of them are useless, and if clicking on "Show all" shows hundreds or thousands of comments, the user is still none-the-wiser.
It would certainly look a lot nicer though.
There are a few pages that create long lists that need tidying up, but I don't think they affect users or maintainers.