On Sun, 1 Sep 2002, tom wrote:
I have a pre-1 hacked together and request any feed back that you can give.
I'm doing rolling CVS regression/conformance testing and reporting back whenever something breaks. How about adding an extra line under the "Wine Regression Test Suite"?
Something like the following:
--- wine-status.txt-old Mon Sep 2 12:30:00 2002 +++ wine-status.txt Mon Sep 2 12:31:03 2002 @@ -399,6 +399,7 @@ Wine Regression Test Suite Documentation = workers = CodeWeavers +Rolling cvs testing = Paul Millar % = 10%
( No-Windows installation issues )
For the percentage value, I've hacked together a quick (and dirty ;) script for calculating it [attached]. Its says what percentage of implemented Windows functions are mentioned in at least one regression/unit/conformance test -- I think this is a reasonable number to use. 'coz of the quick and dirty nature of the script, it takes a fair time to run.
Currently the percentage is around 10.3%
---- Paul Millar