Thanks guys for doing this!
On 10/01/2014 08:27 PM, Michael Müller wrote:
since I already revealed our staging tree idea in a mail which I accidentally send to wine-devel, I think it is time to explain the whole idea. Before you start complaining, please carefully read the whole mail, and especially note that we're in no way trying to compete with vanilla Wine (which seems to be the main counter-argument I've heard so far).
I was thinking of doing this myself for a good while now but due to the lack of round tuits I had to keep postponing it.
Yes, Wine needs a stage tree. Alexandre doesn't scale so shielding him from the 10th iteration of a ugly hack^W^Wexperimental patch is good.
Also the current development form breaks down for big and sometimes small changes where the proper design isn't known from the start. Think DIB engine, Android, USB, D3D command stream. Those cannot be developed inside upstream Wine.
There is no need to fret that this is a Wine fork. Of course it *is* a fork. Like CrossOver and every Wine packaged by a distribution. As long as it tracks and pushes stuff to upstream there is no issue with it. And it trains more people as maintainers which is good.
bye michael