On Monday 16 February 2004 04:26 am, Mike Hearn wrote:
Presumably this is only if you have a native luna theme lying around somewhere, right? Do you know what files we need?
Luna would work yes, but thats not the only theme out there Many skinning sites have sections for msstyle themes, you could check out http://www.skinbase.org/section.php?sections=msstyles for example Many themes are shipped with a ton of files, right now only the *.msstyles files are useful I've done the majority of my testing with the Luna theme, so bug reports on other themes would be appreciated
I'm working on a winelib app that will let you properly install themes, but for now you can set the following reg keys (replacing the filename to your selected theme)
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ThemeManager] "ThemeActive"="1" "LoadedBefore"="1" "DllName"=str(2):"%SystemRoot%\resources\Themes\Luna\Luna.msstyles" ColorName"="NormalColor" "SizeName"="NormalSize"