On Sun, 1 Jun 2008, Vít Hrachový wrote:
Hi Dan, it's 31 minutes on AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3700+, 2GB RAM.
He he, I think I hold the record.
Wall clock | CPU | RAM | gcc | Machine ------------+------------------+-------+-------+-------------------- 145m38.115s | P3 600MHz | 192MB | 4.2.4 | Debian Laptop ------------+------------------+-------+-------+-------------------- 39m30.058s | Pentium M 1.5GHz | 768MB | 4.2.3 | Ubuntu Laptop (1) ------------+------------------+-------+-------+-------------------- 53m12.450s | Athlon XP 2600+ | 1GB | 4.2.4 | Debian Desktop (2) | (2.1GHz) | | | 12m34.218s | | | | 100% ccache hitrate ------------+------------------+-------+-------+-------------------- 50m58.424s | Athlon XP 1800+ | 1GB | 4.2.4 | Debian Desktop | (1.53GHz) | | | ------------+------------------+-------+-------+-------------------- 29m30.277s | Distcc | | | (3) ------------+------------------+-------+-------+--------------------
(1) This one is missing Esd, NAS, Jack and Valgrind (memcheck.h) support. However in other tests this does not seem to make much difference. It's also the only one with a different distribution and gcc version which makes comparisons tricky.
(2) This is actually my main development machine. And damn, it's slow! I hope to retire it soon but it still hurts. I guess part of the reason for it being so slow is that it's never really idle. There's always half a dozen Firefox windows around, gkrellm, xmms, a bunch of background processes like MythTV, MySQL, software RAID 1, 90% full disks, etc.
(3) This is with 1 job on the Athlon 2600+ and 2 on the Athlon 1800+.
I tried getting Wine 2002 to compile but even in my Debian 3.1 chroot and with gcc 2.95 it wouldn't. So we don't have a good point of comparison.