Alexandre Julliard wrote:
You known, no matter how much you may disagree with the FSF or their license, they are not a bunch of idiots. They have been through this long before you, and have spent a lot of time (and lawyers) to make sure that it worked as they wanted.
Exactly. They WANTED a viral license and that's what they wrote up. What this means is that anything propriatary has to be exceedingly careful about not getting the virus. This is why the counter argument is saying that it will scare off commerical developers because the "derived work" clause can bite them.
You can certainly find minor issues and border cases, but the LGPL is not the useless crap you seem to think it is.
It isn't useless - it *will* have some effect. It isn't a nop. The argument is whether it is a net positive, or a net negative, and from what Gav said, and personal experience tells me, it's going to be a negative.