Unless we're talking an inner and very intensive loop, all this is a bit silly.
However, assuming that it does make sense, sprintf variants are not part of the answer. They're interpreted and var-arg type, both of which are little good for efficiency. More like something along these lines:
char *tmpdst = dst;
strcpy (tmpdst, src1); tmpdst += strlen (src1); strcpy (tmpdst, src2); tmpdst += strlen (src2); strcpy (tmpdst, src3); tmpdst += strlen (src3); ... strcpy (tmpdst, srcN); tmpdst += strlen (srcN); ...
This works even better when the strlen calls have known results.
Of course, nothing keeps the compiler from noticing a certain pattern of sprintf calls can producing an equaivalent of the above, but right now gcc will not do that if I recall correctly.