I was just saying removing the interface name was not a good thing imo or am I missing something?
Right, the interface name needs to be there as it matches the COBJMACROS name. Basically the C macro with a prefix.
Why? If you really want to keep interface name the better way imho is as it's usually done in mshtml, like HTMLDOMTextNode_*, so here you don't need to add anything like prefix.
The first rule of COM in Wine is: "Do what Jacek says, not what he does!" ;)
Ok. I note... ;)
HTMLDOMTextNode_* aka dropping the "I" is fine too as long as you do *not* use the same prefix for other functions. E.g. I've seen that style used for helpers.
I don't like it either altough this could considered as a private method.
Note that I think such a case happen even with the "I".
We can just mention to never use interface name (with "I" or not) in functions that don't belong to an interface.