Reading up on the wineconf WWN issue, I noticed that it mentions usability and winecfg. Therefore, I decided to dig up my RFC relating to some ideas I had about winecfg that I sent to the list.
I have attached a mockup of my ideas, which I have added to since my original mail.
NOTE: Ignore the groupbox being called "Theme", it should be "Appearance".
1. The "(No Theme)" text is replaced with "Wine Default". No theme does not make sense -- there is a theme, it is just the default one that Wine is using.
2. The "Install theme..." button is now "Load...".
3. There is a "Save..." button to save a users theme modifications. This makes it easier to create custom themes (especially colour-based themes).
4. There is a divider between the theme and appearance settings. This is to make it clearer that these are separate, but related.
5. The "Item" list field always has an item selected (currently does not select an item by default). This helps keyboard navigation.
6. The "Font" button has an elipsis at the end. This button brings up another dialog, so should have an elipsis.
1. The term "Shell folders" is replaced with "Folders". Using the word "shell" is too confusing for users, as they don't know what the shell is.
2. The "Map the Wine folders to the default locations" option allows the user to set all known folder types to be mapped to their Linux desktop equivalents.
3. The list has been replaced with a dropdown and restructured. This should provide a better user experience (no more link to) and accessability.
4. There is a "Reset to default" option that sets the current folder to its Linux desktop equivalent.
5. The "Browse" button now has an elipsis. This is because it launches a dialog.
== OTHER ==
1. We may want to provide a set of colour themes (e.g. Windows 95, Windows 2000, Ubuntu Human, ClearLooks, KDE Oxygen) to provide a better experience for the user by default - i.e. not just have the "No Theme" option initially.
2. We may want to be able to load a theme using the command line. This would allow - for example - distributions to setup Wine with a theme that matches their desktop, providing a more integrated experience to the user.
3. We may want to have a "Use the system's appearance" checkbox to enable Gnome/KDE/other integration, so that the colours and/or appearance is picked up from (and updated with) the native Linux environment. This would go above the theme drop-down.
Comments welcome.
- Reece