On 2/21/22 19:11, Angelo Haller wrote:
Thank you Nikolay.
I have actually tried doing so via the `ok_sequence(sequences, PARENT_SEQ_INDEX,...` commands but sadly failed as quite a few of the existing tests are still marked as wine_todo. Especially a lot of code regarding select/focus/deselect which are code paths that potential tests for these patches would trigger as well.
Is there a way of masking messages as "ignore" in `ok_sequence` that I missed? I would like to mask some WM_NOTIFY messages like LVN_ODCACHEHINT as this has not been implemented at all yet and LVN_GETDISPINFOA which gets called in a different order to windows.
Or would a test marked as wine_todo suffice?
We have "optional" flag for that, you can find it in existing message tests. If that becomes too problematic there is always an option to introduce another sequence just for LVN_OD* tests, and filter irrelevant notifications there, so they don't appear in test results at all.
On 21/02/2022 04.11, Nikolay Sivov wrote:
Hi, Angelo.
Thank you for patches. I'll have to ask you to add some tests first, in comctl32/tests/listview.c, to verify all changes you're making.