Whats happens if a program calls bepp with invalid values for dwFreq and dwDur on a linux console? (the programmer thinks that dwFreq and dwDur are ignored by Win95).
David Lee Lambert escreveu:
Changelog: Support beeping with the PC speaker when running from the Linux console
--- dlls/kernel/console.c.v1_39 Fri May 13 15:38:16 2005 +++ dlls/kernel/console.c Fri May 13 21:02:19 2005 @@ -193,9 +193,19 @@ */ BOOL WINAPI Beep( DWORD dwFreq, DWORD dwDur ) {
- static const char beep = '\a';
- /* dwFreq and dwDur are ignored by Win95 */
- if (isatty(2)) write( 2, &beep, 1 );
- if (strcmp(getenv("TERM"),"linux")==0 && isatty(2)) {
/* the Linux console supports setting frequency and duration */
char szBeep[50];
write( 2, szBeep, strlen(szBeep) );
- } else if (isatty(2)) {
/* dwFreq and dwDur are ignored by Win95 */
static const char beep = '\a';
write( 2, &beep, 1 );
- } else {
/* TODO: we could play a .wav file instead... */
- } return TRUE;