I saw some good progress is being made on getting the .net 3.0 installer fixed in wine. Nice.
As it will take yet quite some time until the installer is fixed, i wondered if wine is in good shape to run .net 3.0 apps, once the installer is finished.
Today I saw someone mentioning a program called InstallRite on the users-list, and using this program, I was able to get a a simple .Net 3.0 app running in wine.
I thought just share my experience here, in case anyone finds it useful. The application i got running is very simple: AnimatedApplication from http://www.longhorncorner.com/UploadFile/rahul4_saxena/AnAnimatedApplication...
(You just need register, then you can download the file)
This way I got it running:
1. Fire up Windows Xp (a snapshot from a clean install) in my VirtualBox 2. Install Installrite from http://www.epsilonsquared.com/ in VirtualBox. 3. Start InstallRite, and from within InstallRite you can fire up the dotnetfx3.exe (after downloaded it) 4. After the dotnetfx3.exe finshed the install, there's an option, that you can make a "Build Install Kit". I did that, it creates an executable (foo.exe). Save it in a place where you can access it from linux
5. In wine, first do 'winetricks dotnet20' (needed for l_int.nls i guess, otherwise I got crash very early in the app)
6. Run foo.exe in wine, it will extract all files, and write all registry-keys, as if it were a successfull dotnetfx3 installation in wine.
7. Now Run the app, it crashes into a bunch of unimplemented functions. Fortunately just simple stubs were enough to make the app happy. I added stubs for
gdi32.GdiEntry13 kernel32.WerRegisterMemoryBlock ntdll.NtSecureConnectPort ntdll.RtlEnumerateGenericTableWithoutSplaying ntdll.RtlIsGenericTableEmpty
Well, that was enough to get the app running. I was not able to work around a problem in d3d9 ( the app just hang, displaying nothing, probably due to some unimplemented stuff in d3d9) but fortunaly disabling d3d9, was enough to get it running (WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d9=""" wine AnimatedApplication.exe)
I'm not sure if it would be useful to open bugs already for the unimplemented functions. If so, just shout, and i'll open some bugs.
Conclusion: once the installer is fixed, there's good chance simple .net 3.0 at least apps will run quickly