2015-07-13 10:42 GMT+02:00 Henri Verbeet hverbeet@gmail.com:
On 10 July 2015 at 00:06, Matteo Bruni mbruni@codeweavers.com wrote:
The code uses glBegin() / glEnd() and other APIs removed from core profile.
In theory we could fix check_filter() to work on core profile but it doesn't seem to be useful there.
I probably agree about the limited usefulness of check_filter() on core profiles, but at the same time it seems that most of the functionality needed to make it work there would be needed for other capability tests anyway.
Actually AFAICS the only cap test which makes draws and we really need in core is check_fbo_compat(). I guess I'll send a couple patches fixing that for core profile first and then either make the same change to check_filter() or again skip it on core profile (mostly because check_filter() uses a texture while check_fbo_compat() doesn't, instead of adding texturing support to the "test draw" helper I went for the easy fix aka skip - I will look how hard it is to fix it properly, probably not much).
Apart from check_fbo_compat() and check_filter() (and the blitters stuff, but I'm gratuitously deferring that to Stefan), the only other place which uses glBegin() / glEnd() is match_broken_arb_fog() and since ARB fog can't work on forward-compatible core profile I think I'm just going to skip that test on core. Ah, there are also the drawStridedSlow[Vs]() functions but those fallbacks should never happen on core profile.