Hi, what is the status of my recent patches sent to the wine-patches list:
user32: make the class tests pass on Vista. [0001-user32-make-the-class-tests-pass-on-Vista.patch] 23 Jan
user32: make the clipboard tests pass on Vista. [0001-user32-make-the-clipboard-tests-pass-on-Vista.patch] 23 Jan
user32: make the listbox tests pass in directories other than dlls/user32/tests. [0001-user32-make-the-listbox-tests-pass-in-directories-o.patch] 00:54
gdi32: Vista returns UNICODE_NOCHAR if a character does not exist. [0001-gdi32-Vista-returns-UNICODE_NOCHAR-if-a-character-d.patch] 09:01
These have not been applied, although the others beyond them have (all the changes are independant of each other, except for the gitignore changes where the devenum.h one should be ignored).
wine-dev gitignore: ignore files generated by the Visual C++ compiler. [0001-gitignore-ignore-files-generated-by-the-Visual-C.patch] 09:08
I know that this is causing a bit of discussion at the moment.
wine-dev user32: make the edit tests pass on Vista. [0001-user32-make-the-edit-tests-pass-on-Vista.patch] 00:03
This one needs updating, so I'll repost it later today with the update.
wine-dev gitignore: added the missing include/devenum.h generated file. [0001-gitignore-added-the-missing-include-devenum.h-gener.patch] 23 Jan
This one I have said is wrong, so this one can be ignored.
- Reece