On Thu, 7 Nov 2002, Michael Wetherell wrote:
On Thursday 07 November 2002 6:59 pm, Dimitrie O. Paun wrote:
On November 7, 2002 01:55 pm, Steve Langasek wrote:
What do you mean by "Debian maintainer", precisely? The most recent wine package in Debian is version 0.0.20021007-1, uploaded October 20 by Ove Kaaven. Has Ove indicated that he is no longer interested in maintaining this package? (He has not so indicated to Debian!) Or do you have something else in mind when referring to a "Debian maintainer"?
Woops. My bad, I didn't realise Ove is the Debian maintainer. How silly of me, I'll correct that right away.
Ah, that explains that. I've just been by the Debian site and realised that there is still a maintainer, very much so, and I was about to ask what exactly was it I'd volenteered for.
If you want, you or someone else could help by checking the Debian bugs on the package though; I don't know which bugs have been fixed in a later Wine release, nor did I ever get around to figure out the best way to forward such bugs to the used-to-be-rather-unorganized way of handling bugs (the one bug (which should be simple since it came with a patch) I did try to forward to wine-devel a year and a half ago had still not been resolved last time I looked). So, since I've been a little lazy about those bugs, I've been thinking about delegating responsibility for that to someone else, at a minimum. I haven't yet felt in need of filing a RFA or anything yet, though... (and the most recent package is 0.0.20021031-1, uploaded a couple of days ago)