Quite a few countries seem to be changing their daylight saving rules this year. Also Wine stores timezone information in the registry so won't we need to update the data we store in the registry?
While looking at wine's timezone data I also found quite a few differences with Windows' data.
Hence the question: Where does wine.inf's current data come from? Where can one find authoritative data for this?
Does any one have an opinion on what to do about those?
* wine.inf's TZI field does not match Windows for these time zones: Won't this impact email tools? Arabic Standard Time Azores Standard Time Caucasus Standard Time Dateline Standard Time E. South America Standard Time GTB Standard Time Iran Standard Time Israel Standard Time New Zealand Standard Time Newfoundland Standard Time Pacific SA Standard Time
* wine.inf is missing some time zones: Ekaterinburg Standard Time Greenland Standard Time Mid-Atlantic Standard Time Nepal Standard Time Sri Lanka Standard Time W. Central Africa Standard Time
* wine.inf has an extra time zone: Mexico Standard Time 2
* Wine's display name is not in the same format as the Windows one: For instance for Tonga Standard Time: Windows has: "Display"="(GMT+13:00) Nuku'alofa" Wine has : "Display"="Pacific/Tongatapu"